Finding The Narrow Road
To explore God’s word, applying it to every part of our lives in search of the narrow road Jesus tells us about.
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The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is our eternal Father and creator. He is love and life. He wants us to believe in Him and to have a relationship with Him, now and for eternity. However, sin cannot exist in the presence of His perfect majesty, therefore our sin separates us from Him and the consequence of sin is death. Jesus, the son, reconciles us to the Father, saving us from death and offering us eternal life.
The Father
Jesus Christ is the son of the Father. He is the Messiah, king of kings, our Lord and saviour. Jesus fulfilled God’s law. He died to atone for our sins. He resurrected and revealed eternal life. Therefore, by believing in Jesus we are reconciled with God the Father, we are enabled to have a relationship with Him, we are saved from death and offered eternal life. When Jesus died he left with us the Holy Spirit.
The Son
The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, helps us to mature in following Jesus’ example and equips us with fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The Holy Spirit is always with us strengthening our faith through scripture and the trials we face, in preparation for the final test when Jesus comes again.
The Holy Spirit
The bible is God’s word and a tool which through belief in Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit reveals to us God’s love, wisdom, understanding, character, the image we were made in and the purpose of life. We are taught not to add or subtract from God’s word, therefore it is critical to go straight to scripture, in Jesus’ name.
10:27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’“
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Finding The Narrow Road Limited 2023 © | United Kingdom
Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible,
New International Version Anglicised
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